3-21-04: Battlefield Vietnam
We are actively seeking a qualified server admin to be our BF Vietnam moderator.
For more information, send us an e-mail.
3-20-04: PBBans.com Progress
Due to a recent death in the family, a temporary halt was placed on the progress of PBBans.com.
This does not mean that PBBans.com will no longer become the BEST around. Keep checking back!
1-29-04: Temp Ban List
Our temporary ban list is now available for Soldier of Fortune II and Enemy Territory.
Click here for more information.
1-29-04: Site Update
Small update to our front page. More info and improved navigation.
1-27-04: MPI Update
All bans that have been submitted and verified now show up in the MPI.
12-05-03: PAT!
Development on the PBBans Admin Tool (PAT) has begun. This tool will automate most server admin tasks such as
downloading log files, retrieving log file violations and uploading new bans.
10-28-03: MPI
The Master Player Index is the first tool available for testing and use by server admins. |
Welcome to PBBans
PBBans is an online community for gaming server administrators running Punkbuster enabled games.
Our goal, through sharing and dissemination of information, is to educate administrators and stop online cheaters in their tracks.
We highly encourage your promotion of this site. Here is an animated logo for your website:

PunkBuster (PB) is an automatically self-updating client/server Anti-Cheat software system developed by
Even Balance.
PB currently supports Quake III, Soldier of Fortune II, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, RTCW Enemy Territory,
Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield, Battlefield 1942 and Americas Army.
Call of Duty and Battlefield Vietnam will be added in the near future.
PBBans works as a centralized meeting-place/library where server administrators can come together
and pool their experience and information about cheaters.
As cheats are caught by each individual
server admin, through Punkbuster violations, screenshots or demos, they are added to the Master Ban Index (MBI).
This MBI can then be filtered and downloaded to suit each registered server admin. The result being that
cheats can be traced and banned from all servers administered by registered members. Allowing players to enjoy playing
without the aggravation of unfair competition.
We at PBBans are striving to create and maintain a reliable and comprehensive ban index that you can trust.
We will never place a ban on the MBI without proof from confirmed server administrators. Whether it be PunkBuster
logs, screenshot or demo, the proof is indexed and stored at PBBans for future reference.
There is even an appeal process in place for those that feel they have been incorrectly banned.
Using our Master Player Index (MPI) you can look up any player and see a cross index of GUID's, Aliases,
IP Addresses and bans as well as proof of any ban.
PBBans ask for you, the server administrators, to put in a small amount of effort submitting bans
and sharing experience. In return we give you access to the MBI, MPI, special tools developed by PBBans and our
growing userbase of server admins. Together as a community we can drastically reduce cheating on our servers and
encourage others to join our cause.
Click on our Forums to read all about the proposed system and
provide us with some suggestions and feedback.
You are also welcome to talk live with us and idle in our IRC channel.
Please note we are still developing PBBans. Due to the family loss, we hope to be back on track as quickly as possible.
If you have any questions, please visit our
IRC room,
post in our forums or send us an e-mail.
If you have come here because you have been banned from a server and received a PBBans.com message, you can view evidence of
your ban by finding your GUID on our ban list. To dispute your ban, click on the
forum link next to your GUID.