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Master Ban Index - View Ban

Ban Information
General Information
Date Added April 6, 2011 5:23 pm
Game Enemy Territory
Links ID 214229
Player Data
GUID d8d35f43cffc339f75596864c6f0a470 ( MPi )
Alias nF.DeStrU ( GT )
IP Address 84.6.*.*
Violation Data
Type Even Balance Violation
Violation VIOLATION (GAMEHACK) 89210
Streaming Source
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Server Logs
->PBSV: VIOLATION (GAMEHACK) #89210: ^0nF^1.^7DeStrU (slot #15) Violation (GAMEHACK) #89210 [d8d35f43cffc339f75596864c6f0a470(VALID:78) 84.6.*.*:27960]
Master Player Index Data
Error You must login to the forums to view MPi data
Approximate User IP Location
Based on IP Approximate Location Data
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Accuracy: Over 99.5% on a country level and within a 40 kilometer (25 mile radius) radius. More details Protection Status