Documentation for PBBans Admin Tool has been moved here
How to Install and Use jPAT (Java ver of PBBans Admin Tool)
does not and will
never have access to your server's ftp or RCON.
For technical assistance with this software contact
For assistance with setting your server to stream to PBBans click here to contact a
PBBans Staff Member.
Step 1:
jPAT requires Java in order to function. Verify your computer has Java installed.
If you need Java, you can download it from
Step 2:
Create a folder on your computer named jPAT.
Step 3:
Download jPAT from
PBBans Forum
Place the file in the folder you created in Step 2.
Step 4:
Open a command line window and browse to your install folder and type
java -jar jPAT.jar
Press enter and the Main Menu should appear

Step 5:
Do not attempt to edit the Login or Password.
Click on Login. After a few seconds "Authorization is valid should appear:

Step 6:
Click "Add" and the following window will appear.
You are now ready to configure your server and setup streaming to PBBans.

Step 6-1:
IP - Enter the game server's IP address
Step 6-2:
Port - Enter the game server's port
Step 6-3:
Select the game from the drop down menu
Step 6-4:
Path to PB - Enter the path to PunkBuster.
NOTE: If it is a local folder, jPAT checks for presence of the file
Step 6-5:
Server name - Enter the server's name
Step 6-6:
Use FTP - click here to use FTP uploading
Step 6-7:
Use passive mode - If checked, FTP will use passive mode instead of active.
Strongly recommended!!!
Step 6-8:
Update bans, MD5, CVAR - Check the items you want to update
Step 6-8:
RCON Password and Port - Used to send commands to PB to reload.
Leave empty if dont want to use or your game RCON protocol isnt supported.
The supported RCON protocols are listed below:
- Soldier Of Fortune 2
- Return To Castle Wolfenstien
- Quake 3
- Quake 4
- Call Of Duty
- Enemy Territory
- Doom3
- Battlefield 2
If your game isn't listed then do following:
Configure jPAT, run update and add the following line to your pbsv.cfg:
PB_SV_Task 1 86400 PB_SV_Load pat_reload.cfg
Restart PunkBuster or game server. This will ensure PunkBuster is reloaded every 24 hours.
Step 6-9:
Exec script after update - This will exec command
PB_SV_Load script_name
This is usefull if you want to add your own configs and bans.
Step 6-10:
Setup streaming - If checked, jPAT will prepare your server for streaming to PBBans.
Step 7:
Verify your information is correction then click on "Add".
If there are any problems, jPAT will show you where.
Step 8:
To edit your server settings choose the server from list in the main menu and click "Update".
If you want to update all servers , click on "Update All" in the main menu.
foxdie developer
(DeZ)MaydaX PBBans backend developer
{VOD}RodeoBob(BM) development coordinator, docs supervisor and advisor
A-Tuin beta-tester and advisor
Special thanks to :
and the rest of PBBans Staff
Copyright (c) 2003-2007 PBBans