
  • Month March, 2025
  • Donations $105
  • Goal $200

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  • MBi Entries 409,976
  • Unofficial MBi Entries 58,744
  • Cached Global Bans 105,722
  • Streaming Servers 52
  • Players (Hub Live) 334
  • MLi Entries 1,439
  • Teams 16,037
  • Members Online 1


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What is PBBans? [top]
PBBans is a community for Online Gaming Server Administrators. Our goal, through the sharing and dissemination of information, is to stop online cheaters in their tracks. We currently work with game utilizing the PunkBuster Anti-Cheat software developed by Even Balance Inc.

What games do you support? [top]
We currently support any game that has PunkBuster included. As more games move to using PunkBuster Anti-Cheat, we will no doubt add them to our list of supported games. We have listed below the games that currently have PunkBuster support and some links for your information:

America's Army: Official Website, PunkBuster for Server Admin Manual, PunkBuster for Client Manual, FAQ

Battlefield 1942: Official Website, PunkBuster for Server Admin Manual, PunkBuster for Client Manual, FAQ

Battlefield 2: Official Website, PunkBuster for Server Admin Manual, PunkBuster for Client Manual, FAQ

Battlefield 2142: Official Website, PunkBuster for Server Admin Manual, PunkBuster for Client Manual, FAQ

Battlefield Vietnam: Official Website, PunkBuster for Server Admin Manual, PunkBuster for Client Manual, FAQ

Call of Duty: Official Website, PunkBuster for Server Admin Manual, PunkBuster for Client Manual, FAQ

Call of Duty UO: Official Website, PunkBuster for Server Admin Manual, PunkBuster for Client Manual, FAQ

Call of Duty 2: Official Website, PunkBuster for Server Admin Manual, PunkBuster for Client Manual, FAQ

Doom3: Official Website, PunkBuster for Server Admin Manual, PunkBuster for Client Manual, FAQ

F.E.A.R.: Official Website, PunkBuster for Server Admin Manual, PunkBuster for Client Manual, FAQ

PREY: Official Website

Quake3 Arena: Official Website, PunkBuster for Server Admin Manual, PunkBuster for Client Manual, FAQ

Quake4: Official Website, PunkBuster for Server Admin Manual, PunkBuster for Client Manual, FAQ

Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield: Official Website, PunkBuster for Server Admin Manual, PunkBuster for Client Manual, FAQ

Rainbox Six Vegas: Official Website, FAQ

Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Official Website, PunkBuster for Server Admin Manual, PunkBuster for Client Manual, FAQ

RTCW Enemy Territory: Official Website, PunkBuster for Server Admin Manual, PunkBuster for Client Manual, FAQ

Soldier of Fortune 2: Official Website, PunkBuster for Server Admin Manual, PunkBuster for Client Manual, FAQ

Am I eligible for membership at PBBans? [top]
If you are a clan/group leader, a server administrator with FTP access to your server, or a duly appointed spokesperson for your clan/group, then you are eligible for membership to PBBans. Some exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis. In order for us to validate your account you must be listed on the website as a server admin/leader and it helps if you are also listed in the server config as the server admin.

A guy called SuperNoob was on a server I was playing on the other day and he was just too good, had to be cheating, what can you do about it? [top]
Probably nothing. With out some kind of proof, such as a PunkBuster Violation, a Screenshot, or a demo, we cannot place a ban on a player. You should talk to the Admin of the server the incident occured on.

How does PBBans help stop cheaters? [top]
PBBans works as a centralized place where server admins can come together and pool their experience and information about cheating players. As Cheaters are caught, wether by PunkBuster Violations, Screenshots, or Demos, they are added to the Master Ban Index (MBI). This list of known cheaters is then distributed to all servers that wish to use it, to prevent these known cheaters from being able to log on and play. In this way, honest players can enjoy the game without the aggravation of unfair competition.

Isn't gathering all that information a chore? As an Admin I don't have time to go through the logs and figure out who's been cheating. [top]
No problem. PBBans is developing tools to take the work out of banning cheaters. The PBBans Admin Tools (PAT) will assist you in keeping your servers MD5Tool and CVAR checks up to date. The most important issue that PAT helps with is setting your server up to stream to PBBans automatically. You set it up once and never have to worry about it again.

So with all of these bans coming in from all over, how do I know the bans are real? [top]
We will not place a ban on the list without proof. If someone is banned, whether by PunkBuster Violation, Screenshot, or Demo, the evidence is stored at PBBans for future reference. Using our search tools you can look up a banned player and see what the offense was, as well as the proof and other pertinent information.

So tell me more about the Master Player Index... [top]
This search tool is a cross-index of players GUIDs, IPs, and known nicknames. The information contained in the MPI originates from servers that stream to PBBans by either the Rep or the Hub.

So when is the site going to be finished? [top]
Never! Our crack team of Highly Trained American Silicon Valley Reasearch Triangle Park Programmers are hard at work each and every day to make improvements.

Why does the MPI say "Info Masked"? [top]
The information available to the Member and Streaming Game Admin will vary. This will help to protect the players whose information is stored in our database and will also provide an incentive for server admins to stream their servers to PBBans.

Currently full access to all information is reserved to Site Admin/Staff of PBBans, League Admins, Streaming Game Admin, and Game Host Admin.

If you would like to upgrade your account status to give you access to all the information that the MPI has to offer, contact a member of PBBans staff. Protection Status